
Andrew Wyeth

Andrew (oil on canvas), L. MacLaughlin

"Painting is all about breaking the rules. Art is chance. It's like making love. Hell, you don't have a written book for sex; it's always spontaneous." 
- A. W.


  1. Lauren,

    For the past 2 weeks I have been visiting and studying at the Brandywine River Museum! The Wyeth Family is really interesting in personality and the way they paint. Next week I will be touring their home and N.C.'s studio. The next time you are visiting we must go! It is a wonderful little place. My favorite painting will forever be Snowhill.

    Portrait looks great!

    Bob and I had a painting day on Saturday! He has two shows coming up. His work is really growing into an unique style. I love it!

    Hope all is well. LDeery

    1. I'm jealous of everything you just wrote - it all sounds so wonderful. And I agree, his style unique and beautiful. I've seen some of his recent work on facebook and I just love it. Can we have a painting day when I'm back in the US? I'll bring the wine!

  2. a wonderfully brimming tribute to an incredible artist- complimenti Lauren! you rock.
